Well it's been a while since my last post but I don't think anybody is really reading my blog anyway so I'm sure that won't matter.
Some more amazing performances from Australian triathletes over the weekend - particularly Crowie, Kona title #3 (2wks after winning 70.3 world champs in Vegas). He is actually entered in the ITU long course as well so in a month's time I'll be able to say 'I've raced on the same course at the same time as a 3x Ironman world champion'.
That's right the countdown is on, less than a month to go and I'm already nervous. I shouldn't be, as Johnno assures me that no one who has supported me has done so with the intention of me winning - more to go for the experience. But I definitely don't want to let anyone down after so many have invested stacks of money, time, help and in-kind donations in this campaign.
However no matter what happens on race day I have already gained stacks out of the last 7 months. I have improved my swim a lot, thanks to Trent & the Riverside squad - still a lot of room for improvement though. I would like to get my 4km under an hour within the next year or so.
Bike, yes that's improved too, no special formula there just getting out on the road as much as possible. Time on the bike is the most important thing when you've only been riding a few years, but in the coming year I will have to put in actual hard workouts to improve! Oh and the CTC BMC and the (re)Tardiz - they help :) I still get amazed by the bikes on the pro Ironman women field though - they're riding 180km in the time it takes me to do 120!
Run, that's probably gone backwards in the last 6 months, but my thinking was that no matter how hard I trained for it I'd probably only better my time by a couple of minutes, and I had more to gain in the other two sports. So next year it will need a big focus to cut 10 - 15 minutes of my marathon time.
This weekend was my last in the final "Build" training block. It involved sandwiching a crazy workday Saturday between a fish shop ride with intervals and a 2hr hilly run, and yesterday pumping out 4 x 30km TT on the bike (Rosevears - Bridgenorth - Exeter - Rosevears) and a 15 min run off the bike (mother nature did her best to put a dampener on things but I wasn't having my last major training day ruined, it just ended up with an extremely long rest interval in the middle of the day - but if the cricketers break for lunch why can't i?)
So that means this week is a rest & test week... resting is always harder than training! But I am going to have to get used to it if I want to be fresh on race day.
Well that will do me for today, just a short one! Maybe some more tomorrow :)