Friday, 23 November 2012

MurrayMan, moving and more!

Right, I think I have procrastinated so long before writing this race report that even the memory of the pain has diminished. Strange how you remember that it hurt, but can't remember what the hurt actually felt like - I guess that's the only reason we keep doing these events isn't it?!
So after starting with that random little observation, I should actually explain what I'm talking about: the MurrayMan Long Course Triathlon in Barmera, South Australia.
Jase and I flew over to Adelaide on Friday, November 2, after doing the usual 6am bunch ride in 6 degrees.

Our first stop in Adelaide was the bike shop to pump up our bike tyres (this was a very fateful visit, but more on that later).
We stayed the night with my cousins Lisa & Travis & aunt Anne in Adelaide and enjoyed some wonderful hospitality (and a home cooked meal!) before driving out to the race course on Saturday (about 2 3/4 hours). Barmera is a very quiet little country town by a big lake. It was hot, but not too hot on Saturday, so we rode one lap of the course (20km), then I had a run and a quick swim in the lake. Despite the air temperature, the lake was cold! I swam without a wetsuit but knew that the next day we would have a wetsuit swim. :)
Then it was off to Berri to enjoy the rest of the day relaxing at our hotel. It was such a nice day that all I wanted to do was go riding, but I forced myself to relax, stay out of the sun, and eat too much food.

On race morning, Jason managed to drive us past the turnoff to Barmera - lucky I was paying attention or we would have been halfway back to Adelaide! Got there with 10 minutes til they closed transition which of course sent me into a total panic, not the way I wanted to start my day.
But I got in and got out just in time, did a quick swim warm up and then started treading water about 50m from the shore with the other "elites". It felt cool and special to be starting out in front of the "age groupers" like a proper pro, but it made me nervous because what if I swam really slowly and looked totally stupid for starting up there?
After what seemed like forever we were off and of course the pace went on straight away and I was spat out the back because I am not a great swimmer at the best of times and am definitely not a sprinter under any circumstance. I went anaerobic trying to get on someone's feet but after a while decided to give up and try to recover a little. I felt awful, because it was windy there was a bit of chop (funny how it seems like chop when you're swimming and ripples when you're sailing) I was swallowing heaps of water. I thougth that I must be miles behind and was having a lot of negative thoughts. The end of the swim truly could not come quick enough!

When I finally reached the beach I saw a couple of other yellow caps ahead of me, but then the commentator called out that I was the second elite female out. How could that be? I didn't understand but it made me a lot happier and gave me a lot more confidence! In and out of T1, as usual looking like a gumby trying to mount my bike, and pretty much straight away knew it was going to be a long day. The road was rough and there was a strong headwind, and it was already well into the mid 20s and getting hotter. I was riding a borrowed bike and this was my third time on it - plus my nutrition strategy had been developed in consultation with Mark Matthews the day before on the phone - I'd never tried it before! How was this going to go down?!

Laps one and two of the undulating course were, I have to say, not particularly pleasant, but passed by quick enough. Julianne (eventual 3rd place getter) steamed past me on her SWorks, Di2 Shiv with a full disc rear wheel on the first 'out' leg. I had no hope of keeping up with her - my only option was to "race my own race". The third lap was where I really struggled in the wind, my legs were just hurting and dead. At times I literally was moving at 23km/h. Felicity (2nd place getter) smashed me up a hill on the third lap, while I was down. That third split was terrible. The last lap was just me remembering to eat and drink and thinking 'it'll be over soon, it'll be over soon, just keep going!'

I got a bit lost coming into T2 but even so managed to make up about a minute on the girls ahead of me, by now I was about 4 minutes down. I was thinking that's a big deficit to make up, but I'll just see how things pan out. I had tried to have a bit of a stretch on the last leg of the bike in the hope that I'd feel better running than I did in Yeppoon.
The legs were heavy but I wasn't as sore in my left hip like I usually am. Still felt like I was running 4.45min/kms but when I looked down at my Garmin (thankfully remembered it at the last minute this time!) I was doing under 4 minute k's! Sh!t better slow down, I'll never keep this up for 20km!

About now was when I started to feel the heat - it would have been in the mid-30s. I got through the first lap OK, had to fight my inner voice to allow myself to walk the aid stations, which I've never really done before. I tipped ice all over myself, drunk as much water as I could, ran through all the residents' hoses, and hung a wet face washer around my neck. I had a gel on this lap, and on the second lap. On the run, it was the second lap that was the struggle. I thought to myself 'well, I'm going to finish third, and that will have to be OK because I just can't go any faster than this'. I also thought 'it's no longer a race, it's just survival now'. In particular there was one long, exposed gravel road where the sun was so bright and harsh and the wind was so strong that I was barely lifting one leg in front of the other. When I had read in the race instructions that there was three aid stations per lap (5km) I decided that was "heaps" and there was "no way" I'd need to wear a fuel belt. I soon wanted to take those thoughts back, because the gaps between the aid stations felt like a long, loooong way.

Matty's nutrition strategy for me was to "rely on Coke for the last half of the race". Good plan, not so good in practice when the aid stations ran out of coke!! So for the last half I was just running on water. Normally two gels for me would be plenty but clearly the heat was taking up a lot more of my energy. Finally, on the third lap, I passed Felicity. She told me she had done an Ironman two weeks ago, so then boy did I feel lazy! Ha! I also thought I was then in 1st and could relax, it wasn't til a few km's later when I passed Julianne I realized that I had only been in second! Now I had a whole lap and a bit that I had to stay in front >:(

I battled on really wishing I had some nutrition because I knew the tank was empty, but I thought I was basically home and hosed, until I got a scare at the last aid station - Felicity caught back up to me! Without thinking I just turned around and bolted, almost instantly thinking 'oh crap, that was dumb, I don't want to turn around and see where she is so now I'm going to have to hold this crazy pace for another 2.5km!'
Man, it was hurting. I honestly have never dug so deep in a race before, and I've never really been raced to the end like that. It was awesome. I just kept telling myself 'I know you have nothing left but just keep going, you're nearly there, the end can't be that far away!'. I have never felt so relieved, and so utterly exhausted, at the end of a race. I always imagined feeling elated and proud when I finally got to grab that ribbon and lift it up, but I just felt like "thank God that's over! I can stop now. I'm never doing that again."

That thought was short-lived, as I found out at the presentation that I'd won free entry and accommodation for next year's race. I'm still coming round to the idea of suffering that again! But with that and the fact we won't have to travel far for the race, if I podium again I might actually make a profit!

We escaped the presentation and headed back to Adelaide where we spent a lovely, restful night with my family, Steve, Anna, Errol & Zelie, in the hills overlooking Adelaide. And Monday morning the mad rush started again, airports, bikes, bags, travel, and finally home where it was time to break the news to family and friends: that bike shop visit had resulted in an amazing job offer for Jason and hence a move to South Australia.
So we had to find a place to live, start packing, saying goodbye to people, fixing things, cleaning, maintaining cars, and all that other stuff that goes along with moving house.
Then, I got offered a place in Hahn Super Dry Team Latitude, which will help with my travel expenses to regional events around Australia;
Then we had to celebrate my 24th birthday;
And I've still been attempting to train for Canberra, but I think I need to relax the expectations I was putting on myself for that race given the interruption of moving states, and the fact that THEY TOOK THE HILL OUT OF IT AND I DON'T HAVE A TIME TRIAL BIKE!! Waaah!!

And I blame all that chaos for the fact it's taken me so long to write this.

I have one more thing to say before I sign off from this massive essay.
THANKYOU! Thankyou so, so much and goodbye (No, see you later) to all the wonderful people I have met and who have supported me along the way:
The 6am bunch and of course the BC guys for not only helping out with my bike but being great fun to work and train with and putting up with having a female triathlete in the bunch (sorry about my bike handling skills!);
Mark Connelley and Craig Boon at EFM for helping out with my strength training;
Jude Hillhouse at In Balance Physio/Pilates for all her help with my core strength;
Harvey Griggs for the massages;
The Launceston Aquatic crew for being great fun to work with and making my job so enjoyable;
My family and friends, just for being you;
Guy Besley and Team Lat for welcoming me onto the team. Can't wait to do an event as part of my new team;
Trent and the Riverside squad. You would never think that swimming laps could be so much fun. There's torture, there's teasing, but there's also tons of love and support and I am going to miss Wendesday and Friday mornings terribly.

That done, bring on the next adventure! We're on the boat tomorrow night, leaving Tasmania, and sailing into the future............

"It doesn't matter where you go in life, it matters who you go with".

Holly x

Monday, 29 October 2012

A new bike and a new challenge

This time in three days I will be sitting on a plane on the way to Adelaide, feeling just a little nervous about a race I spontaneously signed up to a couple of weeks ago.
I was thinking of heading to Adelaide at some point to see family I haven't seen in years, but when my friend/former Launceston girl-now Adelaide resident Hannah Geelan (if you haven't, you should read her blog too) suggested racing the "MurrayMan" triathlon, that 'one day' trip turned into an 'in three weeks time' trip.
"MurrayMan" ( is a long course event held on Lake Bonney in Barmera, about a 3 hour drive north-west of Adelaide (near the border of NSW and Victoria). The competitor booklet says it is a wetsuit swim, but looking at the weather forecast - which yesterday said 37 degrees, and today has been revised down to a seemingly manageable 34 degrees - I'm not sure that's a certainty. However as the great Mark Matthews told me from his Kona experience, when it's a non-wetsuit swim, "everyone is in the same boat". I think my weak kick puts me at a definite disadvantage when not wearing the wetsuit though.
It seems like just yesterday I was jetting off to Yeppoon, I think I've been conditioned by the Tassie racing calendar to have to peak for just one race a year! But if I want to lift my game I really need to compete regularly like the pros (and most mainland age groupers) but of course this means spending more money, so feel free to suggest places you think might feel like sponsoring an average Tasmanian triathlete!!
Speaking of money, for the first time ever I have entered a race as an "open/elite" (where I've had the choice to enter that category instead of my age group) which means I will be eligible to win prizemoney! And first place is $1800! If I did win it, we'd pretty much break even on the trip over, which would be a huge bonus. There are eight other girls in the elite category but only one name is familiar and that's Renee Lane, a professional who finished eigth at Ironman New Zealand last year.
Between the competition and the weather I don't think it's going to be an easy race.
Joe Friel says in his book Your Best Triathlon (  that "if the race is 4 degrees C hotter than what you are used to, you can expect significant performance decline". I normally train at 6am when it's about 8 degrees or somewhere there... does that mean my performance is going to be seven times worse than usual?!
Friel also recommends that the longer you can acclimatise the better you will go - two weeks he thinks is optimum. I can't afford to agree with him. My theory is, arrive 12 hours beforehand and you will have completed the race before your body even realizes what is happening to it.
Jokes aside, I will change my race and nutrition strategies to take into account the heat, but I've never raced in anything close to that so it is going to be a huge learning experience.
I can take inspiration from some of our local performers just lately, Mattie and Hayden at Kona, Jimmy and Tom at Port Mac 70.3 and Jacob and Dylan on the ITU scene.
Of course Canberra Ironman 70.3 is still the main goal for 2012 so I will not be tapering for MurrayMan, I'm just lucky it fitted in at the end of an easy week.
Training has gone pretty well up til now, I'm pleased with how consistent it has been especially considering that my health has been pretty average these past few weeks. I've trained, competed (and won the LTC duathlon) through a head cold, followed by a chest infection, an achilles strain and a cracked rib. I really am not pushing myself that hard and I don't feel run down at all so if anyone has any idea why I would keep getting sick, please feel free to comment and let me know!

PS for those who are interested the Venge is just great! Feels light and stiff, accelerates amazingly and handles so well. I love it and would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to road race or do tris. I rode it in the Tamar Valley Classic 50km TT on Saturday and was really happy with how I went, especially against many people riding TT bikes.
It was a hard decision to leave it at home for the Adelaide trip, but in reality, completely recabling it to put a TT headset on it would be a total pain. So it's back to the old Transition I go! I'm just going to turn all that extra weight into extra momentum :)

Race report to come next week.
Thanks for reading!
Holly :)

Monday, 24 September 2012

Bike issues, Amy Gillett and general goss

Time for a bit of an update - I know it's getting longer and longer between posts but that's because I hadn't done anything exciting enough to be worth posting about. However one must consider a 120km ride/race around the Great Ocean Road with 4200 other riders as something exciting, so hence I'll do a bit of a write-up on my first participation in any kind of Gran Fondo event.
"Team BC" (which includes honorary members Suze Downling & Steve Muir) travelled to Lorne, Victoria, on the 15th of September to compete in the annual Amy Gillet Foundation Gran Fondo.
Dale "Wooly", "Roger Dodger" and Pete squished into the hippy van with the bikes, while it was left to Mum and Dad (Steve and Suze) to put up with the two naughty kids (me and Jason) in the back of the family Falcoon wagon. Dave Bingley of course turned up fashionably late in a considerably more fashionable ride, to the four bedroom house we rented on the Lorne waterfront - right outside where they would lay the timing mats for the start of the great race.
The first job (after bagsing beds of course) was to put the bikes together and then we all traipsed down to the safety briefing, waded through thousands of fashionable and not-so-fashionable lycra-clad people to grab a bit to eat and then back to the house for a warm-up ride along the great ocean road. I was feeling great and even kept up with the boys until the old bearded man came past in the 53-11 and bruised all their egos so it had to be a race home. Lucky Roger waited for me :)
After purchasing a carton of beers and a few other small necessities from the local supermarket (again over-run by those annoying lycra-clad people and conveniently sold out of almost all forms of carbohydrates) Suze murdered a chicken for 6 dinners and Jason and I cooked up some awesome-free tuna pasta. This was followed by copious amounts of ice cream and apple pie, and then I had to lie upside down and unmoving on the couch for hours because I was so full.
In the morning it was strange to find the pace of life far more sociable than a triathlon, with only a third of the amount of gear to worry about, and a lazy 8am start time. I had my standard pre race breakfast of porridge, and then wandered about wondering what to do and waiting for everyone else to get ready.
Needless to say I was very nervous about riding with so many other people, for us triathletes it's not something we do every day! You stay 7m away from me and I'll stay 7m away from you - less chance of accidents that way! But no, I had to be part of one wave of 200 people, with probably 10 waves in front of me and about the same behind.
After a short warm up I headed to the start area to find Suze, who was in my wave. But on the way Jason Richards (another Launcestonian) yelled out to me and I ended up starting with him and his mates, a couple of waves ahead of where I should have been. All the BC boys were up in the second or third wave.
I was so amazed that I didn't crash even though there were a few hairy moments, because the entire first 40km of the race along the Great Ocean Road, it was just wall to wall people. My bike skills are horrendous and I am the antithesis of an aggressive rider, so again and again I allowed myself to get trapped behinds slow moving idiots on the left hand side of the road, while faster people poured by in a continuous stream on the right hand side. It was mighty frustrating and I was totally hating on myself because I knew I could go so much faster. Mainlanders' ability to hill climb is non-existent and each time we reached a 1m slight rise in the road, they would all slow down in a massive concertina effect making it so hard not to crash. Being on a borrowed bike, one belonging to a man, meant that I was struggling to reach the brake levers, and by the end of the 40km my hands were aching from being on/off/on/off the brakes. Finally we turned a corner and began the KOM climb, a 9km steady gradient of about 6.5%. Again frustration at the bottom as I was in the gravel at the side of the road trying to get around people moving at snails pace in huge bunches spread from shoulder to shoulder. I was riding so much faster than everyone around me, so I thought I must be going great guns, but turns out it was only because I'd started so far back and everyone around me was a slow rider! When I got nearer the top people were cheering me because I was going past them so fast. I was sure I had done well. To find out I was not first, not tenth, not even 15th but SEVENTEENTH on KOM was, to say the least, a bit of a dent to the pride :P
After the KOM was a lot of descending which I am not good at at the best of times, and it was frustrating to see many of the people I'd passed, pass me again just because they're bigger and fatter.  But, I felt pretty damn good on the day, and starting around those slow people and continuously passing people gave me a great confidence boost. The course was quite difficult but it was beautiful and conditions were ideal for riding, about 18deg and overcast. I caught up with a few of the guys I knew from Specialized, which was pretty cool, to go in this event on the mainland and hear fellow competitors calling out your name or "Hey Bike Central!"
My lack of descending ability left me without a bunch quite a few times which ultimately impacted on my finish time. I did grab on to one bunch not far before the finish and took a ride off a few strong guys including Mark Bowden from the Hobart Specialized dealer, Bike Ride. When I left them for dead on the final climbs, after 105-odd km, I felt pretty good. The last 5km were tough and I was glad to finish and cruise the last 10km back home to Lorne.
When I got back I went for a 15 minute run off the bike (typical Sunday training session) and then home for shower and beers. Then all we had to do for the next 24 hours was relax with friends which was a real treat.
On the Monday morning, when I would usually get up in the dark and cold at 5am to work at the pool, I slept in til after 8 and then went for an 8km run in the brilliant sunshine along the beautiful Lorne foreshore, had a lazy breakfast on the deck of our house, then helped "mum and dad" and Jason clean the house. It was so stress-less and fun. We then drove up the scenic route back to Melbourne and didn't want the weekend to end, but of course it did :( Back to work and normal life!!
AND, stressing about bikes...
This is a whole other story... I guess I will start at the start, which is back in January... Part of the deal of me being poached from Cycle Torque to Bike Central was that I would be given a Shiv (THE best TT bike on the market, period. If you need proof look at Crowie's Kona results) to ride in triathlons.
Unfortunately one wasn't available in my size at the time, so I was given Specialized's entry level aluminium triathlon bike, the Transition, to ride in the meantime, promised that the Shiv would arrive well and truly before my first Half Ironman, Yeppoon, in August. (That fell through, and not only did I not get it before Yeppoon, after it was put on order to arrive well before Canberra on Dec 16, that fell through too.)
I was lucky enough to be given a Specialized Ruby women's road bike to ride in training and road race events (of which I won my first three!). However this happened to be sold while Jase and I were away for Yeppoon, without a replacement organized, and I came home three weeks before the Gran Fondo to find out I no longer had a road bike!
A million thanks go to Keith Smith who loaned me his S-Works Tarmac, which although not really set up for me, has been a joy to ride and has saved my mental health.
As I came to the realization that that was it for my shop road bike, I cursed myself for having sold my old one, and knew I would have to buy my own. But what I REALLY wanted to buy was a Shiv, because I knew it would take minutes off my bike time and hopefully help me secure my professional racing licence (to automatically qualify you need to finish within 4% of the winners time, and i've been only minutes off the mark in all my recent races). I actually don't make a disposable income (hard to believe when I spend three or four hours a day running, riding or swimming really!!) so the budget would come down to my tax return, which certainly wasn't enough for two bikes, not even for one good one. So what would I do?! Jason and I ummed and ahhed about this for a long, long time, annoying everybody in the Specialized office along the way. The worst thing was, with so many events coming up, we were on a deadline to make a decision, and many of the 2012 range bikes were sold out, and most of the 2013 range as yet unavailable.
Add to that the fact that it would be the first new bike I'd ever bought, and I wanted to get something I actually wanted, not just whatever random bike was available and cheap.
I also knew that it was time I became bike self-sufficient (stopped relying on others) so I would need something that would do both, because I couldn't face knowing that if I bought myself a TT bike, which I need for my (hopefully) profession, I would never be able to train in a bunch or do a road race.
Eventually it took two hours nutting it out with our sales rep before I bit the bullet, rang mum and borrowed $1000 (thank god for mums and dads) even though it'll take me like two years to pay it back, and put a Venge Pro on order. The Venge is an aero road bike so although it is not technically a TT bike, I'll be able to do tri's on it as well as road riding. Plus it comes with sweet wheels which we can put away as race wheels.

In other news training has been going really well. I started a 14 week program for Canberra and am now in week 3. Apart from a few little niggles I'm really happy with my base fitness and can't wait to start getting into some speedwork. I haven't done any running races for a long time so I will do the Clifford Craig run in a couple of weeks to see where I am at- a little behind the eightball I suspect but if I stay injury free I should be able to increase my speed considerably before December.
Only a few weeks to go until we start open water swimming again :) Although lack of practice didn't seem to affect me at Yeppoon, the peace of mind that I have some miles in the bank will be nice. I'm told Canberra is murky and horrible though so I am going to practice by swimming in the Dowlings' dam! :P
Looking forward to some more daylight and warmer weather, which will make the early mornings far more bearable and increase motivation. I'm also finding myself having to take days off here and there because I'm getting very tired, but that might just be the body adjusting to some 4 hour + days. It probably doesn't help that I often squash in three sessions in a row first thing if I have to work late, or cram all my sessions in back to back if I start the day at work. But I love learning new things about training and programming all the time, and seeing how it affects my body.
Not long now until the local tri season is in full force and the major challenge will become trying not to do EVERYTHING and burn myself out!
Happy training and see you all then :)

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Yeppoon 70.3 Race Report

Just winding up a whole week of doing absolutely NO exercise whatsoever with a shift at the pool, and thought it was about time I provided a detailed account of last weekend's race.
Jason and I flew to Rockhampton the Thursday before the race, leaving Launceston at 9am and arriving up north at about 6pm. By the time we had sorted a hire care, picked up dinner and some groceries and driven all the way to our accommodation south of Yeppoon, it was about 10pm.
We had a self-contained cabin in a caravan park full of grey nomads in a place called Kinka Beach, about a 15min drive from Yeppoon and 40 minutes from the Capricorn Resort, the race site.
I would always recommend getting self-contained accommodation when you travel to race, because it is way too hard to be consistent with your pre-race nutrition if you haven't got the ability to cook for yourself. I get easily stressed/anxious before a race and one of the main sources of this is not being able to find what I want to eat, when I want to eat it.
The next day we slept in and then I had a short swim at the beach to get used to wearing my wetsuit again - my first open water swim since March! Water was lovely once you got in and the sun came out when I got out, making it a very pleasant change.
The next thing we had to do was drive the 45minutes back to Rockhampton to pick up our new wheels from the Specialized dealer there, Tucker's. We spent most of the day putting the bike together and checking everything was OK. It was pretty hot in the sun - I was hoping race day would be a bit cooler.
We picked up some lunch there and then drove back to Yeppoon where we bought some groceries and then drove up to the resort to check out the race site. I got the bike out of the back of the car and rode the 25km home in a nice tailwind to check out some of the bike course.
Saturday, the day before race day, I tried to get up a bit earlier and have my typical race day breakfast (porridge with banana) and then do my usual pre-race training session, a mini race. This comprised 15 minutes swim with a few sprints, run up the beach and transition to an easy 30 minute ride with a few accellerations, then transition to a 15 minute run with a few 10 second accellerations to race pace.
This all went well and training was over by about 11am, so we sat in the sun by the pool for long enough for Jason's lily-white chest to get nice and pink :D
We drove back into Yeppoon to find some lunch and catch up with both my grandparents and my good friend Bel Fong from Sydney, who came up to support me and her friend and club-mate Saxon, who is a top bloke (and athlete!)
The four of us drove back up to the resort to register and check out the expo, transition area and beach where we would swim. Then we decided to go for a little swim at the resort while we waited for the briefing to be held. Here Jason and I ran into none other than former Tasmanian ironman legend Susan Lloyd-Webb. After a short catch-up, I decided the pool was too cold and we should go back to town to buy some dinner provisions. We ended up going back to our accommodation and by the time we returned and picked up Bel and Saxon again we were late for the briefing, missing the part about the swim, which made me a little nervous.
We went back to the hotel and Jason made my favourite pre race dinner of tuna pasta, which was delicious. Early to bed and I slept well, not overly nervous about the impending race.
It was a 5am wake up call on race day and I went through my usual pre-race routine. Turns out I should have got up a bit earlier because we did have to pack and check out as we wouldn't be back after the race. We were running behind schedule and of course this stressed me out and I told Jason to drive as fast as he could to the race site. He did as I said and we actually got there in really good time.
Nice thing about Queensland is it's light by 5.30am so it was easy to set up my transition area. I had a really good spot where I wouldn't lose my bike because I knew I had to run right to the barrier then spot the second palm tree, and my bike was racked opposite that.
It seemed a long wait til the final briefing and then we were invited to walk down the beach to the start - a 1.7km walk! It looked awesome with the throng of 800 "seals" all walking down the long beach in wetsuits.
When we finally made it to the start area I jumped in and did a little warm-up. My race plan always says to warm up as long as possible because I haven't got a fast-twitch muscle in my body and I need to be really warm to swim/bike/run my fastest. But after just a couple of minutes I felt fine and didn't want to do any more, so I got out and shivered on the beach (it really wasn't that warm for Qld) until the pros and then the older women waves had started.
I could hardly believe how calm I felt as I lined up with the other "pink caps" (women 18-39) and I got a great place in the middle of the second row. The only thing I was worried about was my goggles fogging up! We waited... and waited... and waited.. and suddenly we were off, running down the beach and through the choppy breakers. The first 100m out to the first buoy was a struggle, I'm not a surf swimmer, and I did get a few big mouthfuls of water and two whacks to the head. But once we turned left round the buoy, I was off. I know it's slow but I prefer to swim on my own rather than risk getting bashed up, so I swam out to the right and soon I caught a big pack of "pink caps". Then I passed them, and caught a few more, and still felt like I could accellerate a bit more, so I did. The swim is one long line parallel to the beach and each couple hundred metres is marked with a different shaped or coloured buoy. Because I had missed the briefing, I didn't know which one meant turn left into the beach. I kept thinking 'it must be the next one, the next one, the next one' so I must have been hurting a bit (which is a good thing as I usually take the swim too easy!) Eventually I had to basically stop and look around cos I couldn't figure out where I was supposed to turn. When I did, I realized I was probably the first or second pink cap there, and there were only a few "white caps" (the older women) around too. This was a big surprise as I am usually a middle of the pack swimmer!
I turned left finally and started kicking a bit harder to warm my legs up. There were big waves into the beach but my lack of surf swimming experience let me down again and I wasn't able to catch any.
Still I got out of the water right up the front and then we had to run up the beach and up a really steep, soft sand sand dune. My heart rate went through the roof and I had to stop and walk, it was awful! And Bel was here cheering for me so it was embarrassing too. Definitely going to practice this (how and where, don't ask me) for next time. The timing mats were at the top of this dune, so my 29 minute swim was somewhat of a surprise considering all this!
Then there was a fair run into transition. The only struggle I had was getting my race number on, then I was off, with Jase cheering me through transition.
I couldn't figure out where all the other girls were. I passed one coming out of transition and a couple of others a bit further up the road. Then I had to do the entire first lap on my own - the pros were way ahead and there were no other age groupers around me.
By the time I got onto my second lap, most other people were out there, and there were huge packs everywhere because the course is 5 x 18km laps.
As if this didn't make it enough of an obstacle course, the road surface is renowned for being rough as guts, and as the laps went by, there were more and more drink bottles, bidon cages, pumps, CO2s and nutrition all over the course that had been shaken off people's bikes. Thanks to Jase and the guys at BC, my bike of course had nothing fall off it, and no punctures, given the nature of the road this is a credit to them and their maintenance.
My subsequent laps were consistent and slightly faster than that first lap, because of the drafting effect (with that many bikes in such a small space, you can't avoid it at all times).
I was really proud of my bike mainly because I forced myself to concentrate through the whole thing, which I usually struggle to do. I was also thinking "where are all the girls?!" I didn't catch any more, and it was the end of the third lap before one caught me. Another one caught me in the middle of the last lap. But ONLY TWO GIRLS PASSED ME IN THE WHOLE 90KM!!! Amazing! It was great having Jase and Bel cheering for me and I got to pass them twice each lap.
As Melissa touched on in her race report from the ITU LD worlds, it feels pretty damn good when you ride a cheap/heavy/not designed for the purpose bike and you are passing $12,000 shivs etc.
The last little bit of the bike into transition was pretty dodgy and slow, for some reason I didn't seem to be very sure what I was doing, and then I decided that even though I've done a proper tri dismount in every race for years and never stuffed it up, that today was going to be the day that I did, and so I stopped dead and did a normal road dismount.
Then I had trouble getting my bike into T2 because one of my shoes kept catching on the ground and wanting to flip the whole thing over. I practically had to carry it back to the rack. Then I put my shoes on, grabbed two gels and ran - forgetting to get my Garmin! I didn't go back and was annoyed at myself, but less so later when I found out it was the 6th fastest T2 out of the 800 competitors.
Off the bike, I felt awful running. My lower back was absolutely killing me and it wouldn't seem to free up. To make matters worse I started to feel like I really needed to go to the toilet. No way was I stopping though!
They say the run course is flat, but it is anything but easy. Out of transition you run across grass and then through the resort pool, round lots of corners and over a bridge. Then you have a few k's on exposed road (would have been really hot if the sun was out) then you go into the bush. I love trail running, but up and down on a soft, deep sandy path after a 90km bike in which you never get out of the saddle or off the bars, was very testing. At times I actually doubted if I could do the the whole 21km. But of course there is no way I'd go that far to give up, so I kept going. Because I didn't have my Garmin, I figured I must have been running really slowly, but still no girls passed me.
On the way out of T2 on my second or third lap, I saw #34, the first girl to have passed me on the bike, stop to stretch, and I passed her. The rest of the girls I passed, I had no idea which lap of the run they were on, but I guessed that they were behind me already. I had no idea how many were in front of me. Lisa Marangon, the winning pro, lapped me as we came into T2 the second time, so essentially she beat me by 7km.
The thought of seeing Jason and Bel at the finish kept me going through the last lap and my back finally recovered, I think I started going a bit faster, that was until some of my blisters burst and I could feel the blood running down my heels. Still it wasn't far to go and I'd be having cocktails in the pool...
4:54 the clock read as I ran under the finish arch and of course the first thing I did was look around for other girls! I saw one, then I found Jase, and I asked him "how did I go?" He said something like "good!" but that wasn't really detailed enough for me.
I took my shoes off and everyone gasped at all the blood and blisters covering my feet. I jumped in the pool and it felt good, but soon became pretty cold. My recovery drink was a pina colada... haha.
We caught up with Suse again and by the time we'd stopped talking I was shivering with the cold so we went back to the car. Jase packed the bike and all my gear while I went and had a shower, and then we had more cocktails and greasy fish and chips with Bel and Saxon.
Unfortunately we had to leave then to make our flight to Cairns, but Bel texted me later to let me know I had won a trophy and my age group by more than 8 minutes. I didn't take my slot to the world championships in Las Vegas, obviously.
Later when I got to see the results I was very happy to find out I'd had the 6th fastest swim, 12th fastest bike and 10th fastest run of all women to finish 8th overall; the third age grouper (the other two were in the 30-34 and 40-44 categories, and beat me by 5 and 1 minute respectively). It was a good day out, nothing went wrong, yet I know I can take probably 10 minutes off my time without too much hassle.
I was treating the race as a "training" race as I hadn't had an ideal lead-up, what with sicknesses and injries, so I was probably a bit more relaxed about it which may have helped me in the end.
Probably the thing I was most happy about though was the confidence the result gave me that my goal to become a professional triathlete is not out of reach. In my first 70.3, I finished 26 minutes behind the winning pro, and Lisa is a seasoned, strong pro and quite a bit older than me. I also beat some of the pro's times in all three legs. Without a point of reference it was often hard to reconcile my lifestyle (not having a proper job, and earning just enough to cover rent and food only) but now I am reassured it is a worthwhile pursuit and I really can make it if I keep plugging away.
I am now tossing up between Phuket and Canberra 70.3 as my next race.
To gain automatic qualification for a pro licence I need to finish within 4% of the winners time (I was 4min outside with my performance at Yeppoon, and just a little bit more at the ITU LD worlds last year). Phuket is known as a hard, hilly and hot course - all things that would go in my favour - and doesn't pay as much as Canberra so won't attract the same quality field, therefore making it easier for me to finish closer to the top women. But of course, the cost of getting to Phuket will be more than that of Canberra and we're on a very tight budget!
Speaking of budget, it's time to mention my sponsors, BC of course and Specialized, who help out with the cost of my bike and gear. EFM Health Club saves me money on a gym membership which is a huge help with my training.
Thanks for your support - I wouldn't be able to do it without you :)

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

State Duathlon Champion

Ooh yep been a while since my last blog! I suppose I haven't really had anything exciting to report, except for winning E Grade again in the Grindelwald Challenge (a huge surprise).
Training has thankfully been quite a bit more consistent since my injury has healed and I even went back to LAC the week before last. I ran the "Flanagan Flying 10k" at George Town in 41.38, pretty much the same time I ran it last year when I was running well and hadn't had injuries interrupting my training and forcing me to have six weeks off.
Last weekend the State Duathlon Championship and national qualifying race was held at Symmons Plains in its typical weather - blowing a gale, freezing cold and at times pouring with rain! Fun!
Unfortunately with Melissa still away, Natalea injured and Kate making the smart decision to stay in bed, there wasn't a lot of competition and I won by over four minutes. Still it is a nice title to have and shows that I have some form coming into Yeppoon, even if it was only over a tiny fraction of the distance.
I have one more test to sharpen me up which is the 20km State time trial race this Saturday at Richmond. Then there won't be time for much more at all before we are on a plane on Thursday to Rockhampton and driving to Yeppoon.
I must say I am extremely nervous about my transitions and swimming in a wetsuit, neither of which I have practiced since early March. But I'll just use this race as a marker to see how I'm going and make a decision which 70.3 to tackle next, where I'll actually aim to be competitive. At this stage I think December is a good target so it will probably be Canberra or Phuket.
Once I get back from Yeppoon it will be straight on the roadie for a fortnight to try and cram in some training for Amy's Gran Fondo in Victoria, then onto a running block in the hope of doing Triple Tops and various other races late in the year.
Well a rather hurried blog there but at least a brief update - full race run down post Yeppoon.
For now I am off for a cruisey weekend in Woodbridge :)

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Breaking the drought

Apologies for being so slack with my blog of late. I have unfortunately lacked motivation to talk about my current lack of motivation! Never again will I plan an event in the middle of winter. I thought it would give me the motivation to keep getting up on the minus 2 degree mornings, in the fog, in the dark etc... but it hasn't, it's only made me feel more and more guilty about missing training.
I've had an old running injury flare up again that mucked up my run training all of May, and came to a head during the City to Casino 11km fun run on May 20 - I literally haven't run since then, missing some of my favourite runs - the Lilydale Lope and Launceston 10, for example. No physio can put a name on the injury which is, to say the least, phenomenally frustrating. I just have to persist with my "glute strengthening" excercises, slowly get back into running and hope for the best.
There was as week spent in Melbourne for a work training course, and all of the long weekend wasted recovering from a cold.
So all in all a lot of wasted time and as you know, type A personality triathletes struggle to handle this without getting down on themselves and wondering if it is worth persisting, or should I just throw in the towel completely!
Of course life circumstances have changed a lot in the past few months which has in turn affected my attitude towards training and triathlon - in fact my whole outlook on life and sport.
I have felt the effects of a lack of passion for the sport lately but I think that's pretty normal, especially after the massive year I had last year, and not being able to run, my favourite discipline. I know a few people that seem to be going through the same thing (*cough* crossfit *cough*). Even having a couple of weeks off wasn't enough of a break mentally, more so than physically.

I haven't abandoned my dreams to become a professional triathlete, I think I've just got some more perspective on leading a balanced life - believe it or not there are other important things in life than triathlon! And what I think this means is that I will be able to race without putting such pressure on myself because winning does not equal happiness. Having a life does. And I want a long career out of tri's - I see people like Natascha Badmann winning Ironmans at 45 years of age, and Lisa Marangon making a living out of it while raising her son, which makes me think maybe I have time to get to that elite level without having to smash myself every day in my 20s. Of course there are people on the complete opposite end of the scale like Madeline Oldfield who is doing exactly what I hope to do at my age but she's in America training full time. And then you've got those recreational athletes kicking round town being able to train heaps more than I can - that's really annoying!

On the bright side, the break has given me a good opportunity to focus on my riding, which although inconsistent, is definitely improving.
I raced my first ever road races, which was extremely intimidating, but to my surprise I found that I liked it - and to my even greater surprise, I discovered I could win money!!
The 90km Bridge to Bicheno was the first race that I did on May 12. Melissa Clark and I started with two blokes as "F Grade" (it wasn't a real grade since we raced for E Grade prizemoney). We got away from them on the first climb and rode 65km on our own before being caught by E and D grade. I managed to stick with D grade up to the top of Cherry Tree Hill but lost them on the descent and rode solo for another few km before I caught one other solo rider and we took a few turns until just before Bicheno, where B Grade caught us and I managed to stick on Jason's wheel and get a free tow into town, where I won E Grade and first female.
I did have a very short-lived go at the crit the next day, which in hindsight was a silly idea, but I mainly did it to push myself out of my comfort zone and do something that scared me, which it certainly did.
The next race I wasn't even planning to do but it was Lilydale Lope day and I was so upset that I couldn't run that I had to do something. So I raced the Fred Keefe 80km St Leonards-Blessington. I started in E grade with just two guys and history repeated itself as I dropped them on the first major climb. I thought I should wait but I couldn't be bothered wasting the lead I had got on the climb so I went up the road by myself and at the 15km mark caught the two guys in F grade. One of them jumped on my wheel and just sat there as I punched into the wind all the way to 50km! Then A grade came past and I managed to jump on them for a few k's which disposed of the annoying wheelsucker. I was left alone again for a while until another BC rider Midday caught me along with two C grade riders and we took a few turns before B Grade caught us. I didn't last with them on the descent but Jason dropped off and towed me to the finish line (NOT that I needed him to, thankyou very much) and I won E grade and the ladies again.
The last race was Grindelwald (Tas Gas Challenge) and I ummed and aahed about doing this race for a long time, knowing how hard the course was, and on the day it turned out really windy.
But again I wanted to challenge myself and I went out there and started with E Grade although I was not "racing for prizemoney" due to the fact I didn't have a full $220 gold racing licence (I had an argument with Colin Burns over the fact I had been led to believe a 3 race licence would cover me for this, and didn't pay to upgrade on principle).
The pace was on from the word go and I was scared I wasn't going to hang on for the first lap! But I settled into a rhythm and the legs felt better than expected. In fact I led the bunch going up over Brady's all three times until D grade caught us. After this we were riding in a really big bunch which scared me a lot as my bike handling skills are, let's say, not the best. There was a fall right in front of me at one point, and a short gravel section, and the corner into Rosevears Drive, all of which scared me, and all of which I conquered! The last hill, Waldhorn Drive up to Grindelwald, was a world of pain but I actually made it and believe it or not I won E Grade again and was second in the ladies division.
Stupid Jason paid for my licence so I was eligible for the prize money and I took home $220, which paid for the licence :P

"Stupid Jason" also bought me a mountain bike. I've had two rides so far, caned both my knees, fallen off half a dozen times, scared myself silly, made myself look stupid, chucked a tantrum - and I absolutely love it. It's so much fun! I'm going to call it cross-training, not wasting time! So maybe it is taking time away from "real training", but it's much more fun and it's something different for the brain while still fitness-based. Also I'm hoping it's going to teach me better bike skills for cycling!

Speaking of cycling... I urge you to check out Hannah Grace Geelan's blog. I used to train with Hannah but now I wouldn't have a hope in hell of keeping up with her! What a fantastic rider and inspirational person.
Thanks to everyone who has stuck by me throughout personal, health-related and training-related dramas. Hang in there and I will be back stronger, faster and more passionate than ever before :)

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Winter warblings

Well hello and happy off-season everyone! (Except for that strange breed they call road cyclists, but they wouldn't deign to read the blog of a triathlete anyway)
I hope everyone is enjoying the chance to relax a bit and not worry about packing the car with bikes, tri suits, running shoes, helmets and energy drinks every weekend.
I certainly have enjoyed a good and much-needed break since the last race of my season, Devonport ITU on March 11.
It is the first proper break I have taken in over a year. I knew I needed it desperately because I had lost the passion and excitement I usually have for racing and training for the sport that I love.
My plan was to take two weeks off - typical triathlete thinking that any longer and I would lose too much fitness - but at the end of the two weeks I still didn't feel like getting back into training, and figured that if I forced myself to do it anyway, I might burn myself out for good and ultimately end up quitting the sport. Plus I like to do what I do because I enjoy it not because I feel like I have to!
As the weeks went on and the date got closer to my next race (more on that later) and I got more out of shape and more content with my new life of eating, working and partying as opposed to eating, working and training, I began to worry and wonder if I would ever feel like training again.
I'm relieved to say that, hence this blog, today it came back (by 'it', I mean my desire to go out and smash myself early in the morning til late at night, in the dark, cold, rain, whatever, to watch what I eat and have no social life, to think about heart rates and cadence and thresholds and intervals 24/7, and force my tired and grumpy self upon family, friends and colleagues).
And wouldn't you know it, it started at a bike race!! The irony!
I went out to the vets race today and rode the opposite way round the course (on my way home unfortunately because I had to WORK - YUCK!!) so I got to see all the riders happily racing away while I enjoyed the sun and the tailwind, which made my legs feel a bit better than the crap they have been for the last week or so, and I remembered why I love my sport and the lifestyle it gives me and why I need to train hard - so I can become a professional and get to do this day in and day out! So that when others are sitting at work like I am right now, staring out the window wistfully at the sunshine, I'll be out there feeling the breeze on my face, soaking up the sun on my skin, feeling the power of my legs and the air in my lungs... and checking my watch in case my heart rate goes above 140 when I'm doing four and-a-half minute k's.

So tomorrow, training for YEPPOON IRONMAN 70.3 starts in earnest. Two months or so of base aerobic training, get back into the gym, then start to build up some strength before about 6 weeks of intense race prep and then taper for the August 19 race.

But this time, things are going to be different. Funnily enough my main goal for this year is nothing race-related at all. It is... Balance. My goal is to balance my life between work, training and socialising, instead of the single-minded approach I have employed in the past. Apparently it doesn't kill you to have a couple of beers after work, or eat icecream for dessert (maybe just not a whole tub of cookies and cream ;) ), or skip a training session when you're tired (yep it's news to me too!!)
I'll also be aiming to get a bit more variety into my training to help keep me interested and trying new things. I'm absolutely petrified about this, but I might even have a crack at an open road cycling race this winter. Oh, that scares me. But I think it's good to do things that scare you! Starting riding with the BC bunch scared me at first, but now it's all good, I can hang on even when my legs feel like total crap.

Of course those of you who know me well will know there is a fair bit of other stuff going on in my life at the moment which inevitably will affect my training to some degree, but hopefully I can keep interference to a minimum and focus on what I need to do to get me where I want to go.
The 2012 plan is to get a good base in for Yeppoon and just do that as a 'try it and see' kind of race, then really focus on being race-ready for a half Ironman later in the year, such as Port Macquarie in October. The main challenge I face is being able to pay the exorbitant entry fees, as by the time I save up the money entries have usually closed!
I am hoping that if I can get some solid results in these two races I will be able to apply for my professional licence and begin racing as a pro in 2013.

I am ready to launch myself into season 2012-2013, bring it on!!! I can't wait to see what challenges, opportunities and complete changes of direction the rest of this year brings - if it's anything like the first four months, it's going to be one hell of a rollercoaster - but thankfully I think ultimately that rollercoaster is on its way up!

Thanks for reading and I hope to have something more concrete and exciting to report soon :)

Holly's 2012 Race Calendar:
Bishopsbourne 8km run April 21
Sidmouth Gutbuster 12km run April 28
Campbell Town-Bicheno road race May 12
City to Casino 11km run May 20
Lilydale Lope (defending champion) 16.6km run May 26
Launceston 10 10km run June 17
Westbury 12km run June 30
Scottsdale to Bridport Half Marathon (defending fastest female) July 14
George Town 10km run July 28
Bishopsbourne 15.2km run August 11
Yeppoon Half Ironman (first ever half ironman triathlon) August 19
Ross Marathon (defending champion) September 2
Hillwood 10km run September 8
Freycinet Challenge bike TT October 6-7
Triple Tops 19.7km trail run November 20
Port McQuarie Half Ironman (target race) October 28
Tassie Tri Season starts!!!

Saturday, 10 March 2012

The end at last

Was the major emotion of the day as my 2011-2012 tri season finally wrapped up yesterday with the Oceania Triathlon Championships olympic distance age group championship at Devonport.
Six months and one week after the first race of my season, the Long Course Worlds in November 2011 - for which I had trained for seven months - 13 months of continuous, non-stop triathlon came to an end.
We all know how addictive this sport - or any sport really - can be, and you listen to the pros saying 'you need to take a break, have an off-season, to stay fresh and keep your love and passion for it' and you think 'as if, I never will want a break, it's too much fun and I'll lose my fitness!'. But (you'd never guess) they're right! Obviously I don't intend to go sit on the couch for a few weeks, I'll still train, but for fun and not constantly thinking about how this training session fits into my overall plan, or what intervals I should do, or am I doing aerobic or anaerobic today, what's my heart rate, do I need to do hills or flat, panic because I'm not feeling good, blah, blah, blah.

It would have been nice to end such a great season on a high, but I realize that you can't win every time, and basically you get what you prepare for. And as I have said before you learn more from your failures than your successes so again there is plenty to take from yesterday's performance.
I'm not exactly sure why it all went so wrong, but there are many things I believe contributed, the main one being the mindset that I was 'over it'.
I worked pretty much all week and didn't really think about studying the course maps, or writing a race plan.
In hindsight I should have gone down to Devonport and practiced on the course. It's a really technical little course with a 16% hill in the middle that we had to climb six times. By the sixth lap I was confident of going round the corners down on the bars and I knew which gears I had to be in at what points of the course. If I'd known all that from the start it would have been much easier!
Also with a 7am start time I didn't think about my usual routine of getting up three hours prior to the race to have breakfast, so I ate two hours before and something that I hadn't eaten before a race before.
I also had no idea what the swim course went, having missed the athlete briefing on Friday and then found myself warming up for the swim when the girls had the race brief on the beach. I ran up the beach and only just made it in time for the start, dove in and went anaerobic and spent the first leg trying to get back up to where I should've been from the start. By the time I got to the front of the chase pack I only figured out we had another lap to go because I swam through three girls coming back the other way. Thank god for pink caps! But after the next two buoys I wasn't sure where to go so I had to slow down and wait to follow the girls beside/behind me as I vaguely saw another buoy way out to the left and, because I was swimming all on my own, thought 'shit were we meant to go round that... OMG I'm going to be disqualified! What is Johnno going to think!'. So that was a bit disappointing.
No major problems in T1 thankfully except for my sunnies fogging up so I couldn't see anything. I felt OK when I headed out on the bike but as usual it wasn't long before Melissa came past and informed me that there were 7 girls ahead of us. I don't count or care really because I try to focus on what I'm doing and not what can't control like other people's races. But it was a bit of a blow to know so many had beaten us out of the water and we already had a lot of work to do.
It was a bit of a surprise when Kate went past at a rate of knots early in the ride and I decided I needed to stay with her and Mel, but after I was forced to drop back for a couple of men, lost touch with them and from there just kept getting slower and slower. I didn't feel like I had a gear small enough to climb the hill properly, and then I started chucking up my breakfast .. that went on, and on, until I came good with about 10km to go! If only there was another 50km to go, I would have been right!
T2 went ok - not much you can mess up there - but I still felt like I was being far more conservative than usual, for some reason. Which was not my race plan, my plan was to go hard and finish the season with a bang!
Anyway stomach issues continued on the run and I'd also had nothing to drink or eat (which is not unusual in olympic distance for me) but probably didn't help. I still gave it my best and think I had a reasonable run but by that point I was so far behind I wasn't able to catch up and finished third in the 20-24 age group.
Melissa had a great race to take second in our age group after one of the mainlanders. Kate Pedley and Kate Warren held up the LTC name with first and I think third overall, and the rest of the top 10 was filled out by mainlanders. I think I was about eighth overall.
A disappointing end to the season but relief that it was all over and happy for Melissa - she has improved out of sight this year.
Had a fantastic rest of the day watching the junior, U23 and elites race and getting very sunburnt! Congrats to Natalea, Jake and Hodgey who showed off the local talent, and Dylan and Jono who put in awesome efforts in their first big races.

There is one more race this year which is the LTC Beauty Point enduro, more of a novelty race than anything. I hadn't planned to compete as the enduro format is just way too short for me but due to last Sunday's race being cancelled, I need to race to get points in the club series. Regardless I'm not counting it as a proper race so that is it for my season.
More updates soon as to what I plan to do over winter... I don't want to think about it just yet! I'm going to have a well-earned break now and have some fun of a different kind.

Again thanks to all my sponsors and supporters for looking after me through the good races and the bad. As you know I couldn't do it without you:
Specialized/Bike Central - Tex, Dale, Nick, Jas & Jamie, thankyou for giving me the best job in the world and making sure my bike(s) are in A1 condition every time I race. I can highly recommend having a a team of bike mechanics behind you - it rocks!
Harvey Griggs - for the best sports massages ever :)
EFM Windsor - Craig thanks for letting me keep up my crazy, inconsistent training schedule... looking forward to spending more time in the gym over winter.
In Balance Pilates & Physiotherapy - Jude thanks for your great classes and constant encouragement and interest in my sport.
Mum, Dad, Grandma, Grandad and Johnno - thanks for always being there to watch or at least support me in spirit! I appreciate the cheers, even if I only give you a grimace in return!
Melissa, Dan, Jess, Natalea, Maggie, Lou, Kate, Hodgey, Dwayne & Amy, Casey, Paul & the rest of the LTC team - thanks for being a fantastic and fun support network, training partners and best friends. And congratulations on a fantastic season - LTC represented in 2011-12!!!
<3 Holly

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

A sigh of relief

The pressure was well and truly on for the biggest and most anticipated event of the Tasmanian triathlon calendar: the RBS Morgan Coles Bay 100.                                                                    It had certainly been on my mind a while, but suddenly between my new sponsorship, the infamous newspaper article, a television interview, and the seeded race numbers, I felt more pressure to perform than I ever had. Until this season I went into every event pretty much unnoticed and that was how I liked it! However the absence of Amelia Pearson and some others this season has shifted the focus and after I was handed the race number 101 there was no escaping the fact: I was the favourite.

I was interested to see how I would perform after an up and down couple of weeks in the lead-in. The week before race week was total chaos - I managed to squeeze in 35 hours of work, 26 hours of training(that's actual exercise time - I'd hate to think what it would be if you counted travelling, putting on 15 different outfits a day, showering, and searching the house for various helmets, shoes, socks, shorts, lights etc), a farewell party, Festivale, a 50th anniversary and an engagement party, as well as committee meetings for both Launceston Tri Club and Launceston Athletic Club.
No wonder I fell in a bit of a heap during race week. I decided to taper properly for a change given that it was a target event for me, so I had Monday and Thursday completely off. Harvey gave me a massage on Monday and I pulled up unnaturally sore and felt very flat through the short training sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday. Of course this made me super nervous but I just kept thinking 'it'll be right by Saturday'. I love race week because it's a great excuse to eat junk food and justify it as "carbo-loading", but I probably went a bit overboard!

Finally race morning arrived and my stomach was in a knot but I just followed my race plan and my standard race morning procedure which helps keep me relaxed and calm. The wonderful Hannah Geelan has been giving me lessons in believing in yourself, so nervous as I was, I was thinking positively and convincing myself I could do it.
The swim was beautiful, water was flat as a tack and I had a clear lane right from the start. So good not to have to fight people off like in the shorter races! I felt relaxed and thought I was swimming quite well - there didn't seem to be too many people in front of me - but when I got out somebody yelled 'number 6' so then I was panicking, thinking who the heck could be in front of me?! T1 was OK and as I got on the bike Tex yelled 'good swim' which further confused me. The first 20km of the bike was a big struggle, everything was hurting and cramping, and I seemed to be going nowhere fast. Also I kept thinking 'when am I going to catch those girls?' but at the turnaround I found that only one girl was in front of me! That was a relief. The second 20km was much easier though I was still feeling pretty uncomfortable on the bike. By the halfway mark I was only 3 seconds behind Kate Warren, but I missed my drink bottle at the aid station and did the whole second lap with no water :(
I caught Kate up the big hill and started to extend my lead, in fact about 2km from the end I suppose I was getting a bit complacent and was standing up, stretching my legs down a hill when Melissa flew past me. Oops! Caught off guard! She was just a couple of seconds ahead of me at T2 so although I had 18km to go I grabbed my stuff and sprinted off, passing her at the first corner.
After one lap I wondered how I'd get through another two, but the second one felt much better, and the third was just a formality. I was so relieved to get the win and get the monkey off my back!

The main thing I will be thinking about after this race will be my race strategy for target events. In this event I did what I needed to do to win the race comfortably, but at the end I felt a little disappointed in myself that I hadn't pushed to see the limits of what my body could do. When I saw Melissa cross the line after her smashing performance for second, having taken about half an hour off her last year's time, she was an emotional wreck, leaving everything she had out there. And I thought 'I wish I felt like that!' Sure it may not be a fantastic strategy when I get to the stage that I'm racing a long course every few weeks, but I would love to be able to do what Hodgey did on Saturday and extend his lead exponentially without anyone around him to force him to push.
On another note it was great to see the podiums filled with local entrants despite the fact that about a third of the field was from the mainland this year. It goes to show the great standard of our local Tassie athletes, our clubs, our training grounds and our coaches.

I would like to thank Tex, Chris, Padge and Lou for organising a FANTASTIC event for us, an event that will continue to grow in strength and success from year to year. The professional standard of this race is just so impressive, it is something we should all be proud to share with competitors from around the country and eventually the world. A big thanks to everyone from LTC and all the other volunteers, as well as the race sponsors including RBS Morgans, without whom this race would not be run.
Thanks to everyone who cheered for me, it really is the most amazing feeling.
Thankyou to my new "family" at BC - I had to win so I didn't have to put up with your teasing! And so I could keep my wonderful bike :)
Thanks to EFM Health Clubs and Harvey Griggs who also help me along the road.
A big thankyou and well done to my darling Johnno who made it through the whole race without visiting the porta loo this year :D and the same to my friend Bel Fong who had a smashing weekend at the Huskisson tri festival, and has always believed in me.
Until Devonport....

Sunday, 5 February 2012

State Series: Three down, two to go

Not a lot of news to ramble on about today, just a quick update on the weekend's race. The third State Series race was held at Beauty Point on Sunday. The distance was 750m/30km/5km and the weather was still, muggy and overcast. It was my first race aboard the new Specialized Transition (see picture).

The water was very flat and the pool swimmers got away to a good start. Just after the first buoy someone grabbed my legs and tried to pull me under the water about three times but after I kicked hard and got away I thought I was swimming OK. However, when I got out I saw lots of people who I usually beat - or who I would like to beat - ahead of me. My bike mount was another disaster, it was quite funny really as I nearly ran over Dwayne Hinds who was TO-ing the bike mount area. (Apparently I wasn't the only one!)
I caught Melissa and we basically rode the whole 30km together with me passing her up the hills and her passing me down the hills and staying ahead on the flats. We posted exactly the same bike time.
T2 was significantly better than T1 but as I ran out I was surprised (to say the least) to see a girl I didn't recognise just ahead of me. She ran strongly too but I passed her early on and to my relief continued to pull away from her. Just before the first turnaround I heard loud breathing behind me and I thought 'oh no she's caught up, but I am dying, I can't go any quicker, I'll have to let her past!' but as we turned the cone it was Natalea who passed me. She wasn't pulling away from me as fast as I'd expected and I could tell she was struggling which, as it turned out, was because she was having stomach cramps. In fact she didn't gain on me all that much and I could still see her towards the end. I thought if I'd had a bit more in me, I could have sprinted and almost caught her. But the lack of running lately has really impacted my fitness and I had nowhere else to go, I was already pushing as hard as I could!
Still 45 seconds is not too much of a gap to one of this country's rising triathlon stars - and it was short course!
It was also awesome to have another competitive girl join the field in Kate Warner, and of course having Tahlz back from her mainland commitments to raise the standard.
Thanks Miss for duelling it out on the bike course with me and keeping me motivated.
Thankyou to my wonderful sponsors Specialized and Bike Central who give me some chance of keeping up with Melissa with the amazing bike and all the gear.
Thanks mum & dad for coming down to watch, even though it didn't make me win like the first two times this year ;)
And a big thankyou to my grandparents who put up with four starving athletes for a night, eating them out of house and home!

So that's two seconds and a first in the state series so far, or three firsts in my age group :) and the best two races to go: Coles Bay long course and Devonport olympic distance. Just 12 days until Coles Bay - can't wait!

Sunday, 29 January 2012

More training, more racing, more learning

Just three weeks to go until the big one - Coles Bay 100 - as I reflect on the last fortnight of training and racing.
The week after the Seven Mile Beach tri was a fantastic week of training. I managed to clock up 26.5 hours and although I did feel like I was walking around half asleep by the end of it, I was very happy to look back on such a solid week.
This past week has been pretty slack in comparison which, with the time left until Coles Bay, is a little disappointing. But as they say you learn more from your failures than your successes, and while physically I may not have gained a lot from the week, mentally I have taken on board a lot of lessons. It's been a good reminder of how important it is to keep an open mind and keep learning from everything you do and, importantly, everyone you meet (a point that I will come back to later).
One of the biggest lessons I've really had drummed into me this week (and you know, I can be told something 1000 times but it won't be til I've actually done it that I'll understand) is not to let the little things get in the way of the big overall goal.
Case in point: I'm training for the Coles Bay 100, which is a long course triathlon, and this of course forming part of my base for hopefully another crack at the World Long Distance Championship (finance depending!). Therefore volume of endurance training should be my focus. And as we all know the ability to do this depends on making the most of the time we are not at work (unless you're a pro of course, or a teacher, or a student....)
I had an entire day off on Thursday which the previous week equated to about 6 hours' training - and how many this week? 50 minutes! Why? Because I let my ego talk me into going to a, excuse my french, $#!**y little triathlon race for State series points, which ultimately adds up to what? Annual kudos from Tri Tas and maybe a few dollars prize money.
Sure, race practice and the intensity of racing is great training, but not at this stage of my program, a fact that was probably realized by a lot of my more experienced training partners - hence the big names missing from the entry list on the day.
Latrobe starts with a 400m swim in a river that's about 20m wide. Imagine almost 100 people trying to get around three buoys in that space and if you come up with an image akin to a very wet mosh pit, you've got it about right. Melissa even asked the race organisers if we could have men's and women's waves, but the answer was just 'no' with no good reason. Anyway, after being kicked, punched, swum over and drinking half the duck pond, I got out a mile behind Grace Row-Smith and Melissa, and close behind Kate and Millie Chapman. After a terrible bike mount (there's another thing that needs work) I managed to overtake all of the girls but it wasn't long before I started feeling the previous day's training in the legs and Melissa and Kate proceeded to overtake me and ride far, far away into the distance. After messing up the second transition as well, I got onto the run and ran reasonably strongly to pass Melissa and finish in 2nd place, though well behind Kate.
Not a bad result and I'm by no means saying I'm unhappy with 2nd - it's more the race preparation and performance I wasn't thrilled at.
The day befor the race I had done roughly an Olympic distance triathlon - after 3km in the pool with the swim squad I was persuaded to participate in the "Launceston 70.3" which entailed another swim in the pool, an hour after the first one, immediately followed by a time trial ride and then a run (45km/8km for me - the guys did 85/20). Then I went to work for five hours and then we headed straight to Latrobe. I felt like the walking dead I was so tired - NOT an ideal race preparation!
So what did I learn? I learnt that if you are going to race, you need to be 100% committed to the race, not just on the day but in the lead-up, and if you're not then you shouldn't bother racing.
I also learnt that you shouldn't just spontaneously join into other people's training just because it will be fun - yes it was, but it trashed me for the race. Yes Johnno, Trent, it appears I really can't have everything! I could have done the Launceston 70.3 and then a long ride and a swim on the Thursday, or I could have ditched the 70.3 and done well in the race, but not both. And given the focus is long course, the former would have been a far better option.
Having said all that, I still intend to race Beauty Point sprint tri this coming Sunday!! At least it's 750/30/5 and I can ride home :)
As an aside to the Latrobe race, it was my last race in the Cycle Torque & Coffee kit. I'm so grateful for the support I've had from the CTC team, for the opportunity to work with them, and all the wonderful people I met along the way. However times change, life changes and new opportunities arise as one has for me and I believe in taking opportunities with both hands.
I am very excited to join the Bike Central team this week. I'm assured I'm going to be turned into a "strong cyclist" which is also exciting, but I'm not sure who has the most work to do - the coach or the student! More training, more learning, as usual! It's going to be a lot more pleasant training on the new Specialized Ruby though. First proper ride on her yesterday - unbelievably comfortable and stable. Love, love, love it.

Speaking of coach and student brings me back to the point I wanted to make earlier.
I have probably waxed lyrical on this topic before but it warrants covering again.
Yesterday I was once again struck by how lucky and priveleged we are in northern Tasmania to have amazingly talented athletes who continually offer us advice, support and help with our own careers and aspirations. The generosity with which they donate their time and skills to further the sports that they love, for no obvious personal gain, continually astounds me. There are many that I have had the pleasure of talking to and training with, who I look up to and respect and hope to continue to work with. I know I'll forget someone here but some that I'd like to recognise include Craig Boon, David Brasher, Trent & Wade Hadley, Peter & Mollie Fraser, Joe Gambles, Rob, Kim & Jenny Gillard, Harvey Griggs, Sharon & Tim Gunton, Casey Mainsbridge, Ben Mather, Mark Matthews, Paul & Peter McKenzie, Mark & Louise Padgett, Paul Turner, Andrew Willis, Jen McMahon & Chris Zehntner.
Thankyou guys for your tireless efforts in either promoting and encouraging young/new sportspeople or for helping raise the bar for those of us who have slightly higher aspirations! That Tasmania punches far above its weight in producing top sportspeople is a reflection on your efforts and I hope that one day I will be able to do for others what you have done for me.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

The start of a new season

I must make an effort to continue my blog because despite my 2011 worlds campaign being well and truly over, my career as a triathlete certainly is not... and all pro triathletes have blogs. So, I'll pretend to be one until I make it :)
It's been fairly well noted that I have had some setbacks since returning from America. I had two lazy weeks off after the race and then decided I would get back into training -well, swimming and riding since my hip was so injured and painful I couldn't run a step - so I didn't lose all of that hard earned fitness and could build on it for my next big race, the national long course championship at Falls Creek in February.
Of course you always feel terribly unfit when getting back into training but after a week and a half I was just starting to enjoy it again when I got knocked off my bike. One day in hospital and a couple more doing nothing at all, then gym only for about a week until I could start swimming again, and another few days until I got back on the bike.  Then it was back into unstructured training to just see how the body went along, and of course the fact that I didn't have any spare time to sit down and write a training program out (too much Christmas shopping to do! -oh and working 40hrs a week doesn't help either!)
December 11 was our first tri of the season at Beauty Point. It was a sprint distance race, 750m/20km/5km and because I couldn't run, I teamed up with "Dan the Man" Van der Vlist and entered the team category. We were called "Team Bike Crash" because his injuries from a bike crash prevented him from swimming and running.
I came out of the water with Melissa which I classed as a good swim for me, and then headed out onto the bike course into a stiff headwind. I still clocked about 35 minutes which is an improvement on last year's times (the BMC may have something to do with this) and an average of about 32km/h. Melissa, Kate, Hannah and I all rode within less than 30 seconds of each other. It was hard to watch the race draw to a conclusion without the power to be able to do anything about it though and I resolved: no more triathlons unless I can do the whole thing!

Of course Christmas is always the worst enemy of athletes, or at least ones with lots of family who like to cook, like me. It means time off training for travelling around various family members, lots of sitting around lazily, and far too much eating - especially bad foods!
I did get away with a couple of short rides and a short run on Christmas day though, and I have no one but myself to blame for eating too much Christmas pudding and chocolates.
It was back to work straight after Christmas and an attempt to quickly put together some training for the Bridport Olympic. The physio's advice was, don't even think about doing the Olympic distance due to my hip. However, always one to go against the best advice, I decided that as I managed to run for an hour a few days before the race, I would enter.
Lucky I did.
The Bridport water was beautiful although slightly choppy on the morning, which probably helped me come out of the water a little ahead of those who are good smooth water swimmers but find those kind of conditions a little daunting. After the first lap I was touching the feet of Paul Turner, which told me that either Tex was having a terrible day, or I was having a very good one. It was a bit of both, and Tex did pick up the pace when he saw me there, but I was stoked to come out with Steve Muir and just ahead of Roger Butorac.
Onto the bike and again a slight headwind on the way out but that made the return journey nice and fast. 1hr 9 minutes for the 40km - an average of 33.8km/h - and less than a minute behind Hannah, who wasn't going to run, so I had to be happy with that.
The run would be the test with very few k's in the legs beforehand. I could feel it - just heavy in the legs from being out of practice - but I still ran 43-something which was a nice surprise. It hurt though!
I was stoked to take my first Tassie win.

I had a huge training camp planned for the remainder of the week, while we would stay at Bridport with no work or distractions. But ironically I ended up spending three days completely motionless - the only thing I improved was my tan.
By the time real life resumed there was barely enough time to scrape together a few sessions to tide me through to the next race, especially considering all my old school friends decided to come to town for time out from their glamourous mainland lives, and socialised for a change.
Perhaps this relaxed, improvised start to 2012 training is doing something good for me, because I chalked up my second win of the season, first state series win and first triathlon State Championship on Sunday at Seven Mile Beach.
Now sprint distance is certainly not my forte and I went into it knowing that I would have to have the race of my life to beat Kate Pedley, so I was a bit nervous.
The start was late, the water was cold, but at least it was calm - never been taught how to swim in the surf! Also because there were so many people (many mainlanders seeking selection for the sprint worlds in NZ this year) we were impromtu-ely split into two waves - men and women. This worried me as I knew I wouldn't have any feet to draft off! Sure enough just after the first buoy I came into the lead which initially surprised me but was quite good fun.  I weaved my way through the tail-end males and managed to hit ALL of the buoys, which just proves how unco I am! Or that I have good aim?!
Unfortunately Hannah couldn't race so it was quite a novelty to come out of the water first. I passed Johnno in T1 (he was putting on his socks!) and hit the bike course with Dan Van der Vlist. Usually he speeds away from me but we played cat and mouse from a legal distance for the entire ride. There was a fair bit of drafting going on - partly due to the numbers on such a small course I suppose, but although it sucks, if you actually drop back like you're supposed to, it's not unavoidable. Anyway that aside, I came off the bike just ahead of Dan and decided I was going to have a lightning fast transition because I needed all the time I could get between me and Kate. But I was shaking so much it was hard to put my shoes on!
Once out on the run course I had to really try to calm my breathing down and try to settle into some kind of sustainable rhythym. At every turn I could see Kate running, much faster than me, catching me very quickly... but I thought about what Hannah had told me, if you believe you can win, you can.... and I did! I managed to hold Kate off, by maybe a minute or so, but it definitely took all of my resolve, and I did not relax until the finish chute. My lack of running really meant had to push myself harder than I thought possible, because I wanted to the win very badly. Not least because the prize was a $500 travel voucher which will come in handy for the worlds :) Because of that I really felt proud of myself at the end of the race.

I would like to thank mum, dad and Johnno for taking me down south and supporting me, my sponsors Cycle Torque, EFM and Harvey Griggs, Tri South for the race & Andrew Jones for the prize, everyone who competed and volunteered, Riverside swim squad for helping me with my swim, and Hannah for coming and cheering despite not being able to race.Your support means the world to me!

Latrobe sprint is next on the 26th of Jan. What a great start to 2012 - let's keep it going.